Doctor who: a note of homebridge’s night’s diary about the doctor part 1

Name: A note of Homebridge’s Night’s diary about the Doctor part 1
Autor: Andrey Lysenkov – vkontakte. ru/id105176267
27th may of 1980
Hello, my diary. Today was weird day. Just a one mistery traveller broke the monotony of my life
It was morning. Like usually I made a trade in my farm. And I walk to the forest for firewood. In sprite of it is almost summer there is cold at night in my home. On edge of the forest I heard a metal grinding and whistling. I run to the sound and find a man.
-Hello! I’m the Doctor! – he chouted. The Doctor looked some weard. He wore a bow-tie and always chater about a kind of rubbish. But he indisputably was clever and knew more then anybody in our planet. But let’s take a slow.
-Can you tell me where and when are we? – he asked.
-Sorry, what?
-What year now? What country?
-America, 1920
-A bit wrong order, but thank you.
-Sorry, but who are you, and what was it? I mean grinding and whistling…
-O, never mind, that’s my spaceship.
-That’s your what?
-I said forget. Maybe you tell me about strange purple light.
-Sorry, but i’m again not understanding.
-Yes, you are. At night you can see the strange light, isn’t it?
-Well, yes. Constantly I woken up by light. It shinded from the other side of the forest, but place, where must be light source, is just field and there is nothing on it.
-Ok, can you show me that place.
…to be continued…

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Doctor who: a note of homebridge’s night’s diary about the doctor part 1