Do you twitter

What do you call someone who uses Twitter? A twitterer? A Tweeter? A twit – no, “twit” means idiot in English!
If you are a twitterer, perhaps you would like to follow a couple of English twitterers. It might give you a new perspective on life in England, and you may even learn some new English words. Here are two that you might follow. Sarah Brown is the wife of our Prime Minister, Gordon Brown. There are little glimpses of life at No 10 Downing Street (“now off to blow up final balloons and hide things for treasure hunt for afternoon birthday party” – presumably, the birthday of one of her children) and lots of tweets about Sarah’s favourite charities. Sarah Brown is now one of the most followed twitterers in Britain.
Or you could follow Britain’s (and probably the world’s) oldest twitterer, Mrs Ivy Bean, who lives in an old people’s home in Bradford in the north of England, and who celebrated her 104th birthday last month. She twitters regularly about what she has had for lunch, about her friend Mabel, and – especially – about her favourite television show, Deal or No Deal. (“Must go now its time for tea and deal or no deal i will be back again tomorrow goodnight every one”). Bless!

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Do you twitter