Do not jump to the top of the tree

“I have been explaining the aim and object of all living beings, which is gopi-prema. You should know the aim and object of our practices and devotion; but do not jump, otherwise you will become mad. Do not try to artificially enter raganuga-bhakti. As explained by Srila Rupa Gosvami, when you mature in vaidhi-bhakti, a greed will automatically come to serve Radha and Krsna. At that time you will be somewhat qualified, and after that you will become a high class of a pure devotee. This is my instruction: Begin from vaidhi-bhakti and develop from sraddha to nistha in high association. Do not jump to raganuga-bhakti and asta-kaliya-lila; otherwise you will become mad. Try to follow my instructions and practice bhakti-yoga from the lower stages.
My request is: do not be mad to be a manjari. Try to follow Sri Upadesamrta first, and then the other writings of Srila Rupa Gosvami. You can then gradually go to the top of the bhakti tree. Don’t try to jump at once to the top of the tree. Otherwise, you may fall down, break your arms and legs, and crack your head. Be careful.
Better to try to remove anarthas and all material attachments first, otherwise so many difficulties will come in our spiritual lives…
…only when you come to an advanced stage, then you can remember. You should know about the Lord’s pastimes but don’t try to do anything artificial. The ability to properly meditate will come automatically.”
Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja.

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Do not jump to the top of the tree