Dive into html5 11

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He browser location bar is perhaps the geekiest mainstream piece of user interface in the world. There are URLs on billboards, on the sides of trains, and even in street graffiti. Combined with the back button – easily the most important button in the browser – you have a powerful way to go forward and backward through the vast set of intertwingled resources called the Web.

The HTML5 history API is a standardized way to manipulate the browser history via script. Part of this API – navigating the history – has been available in previous versions of HTML. The new parts in HTML5 include a way to add entries to the browser history, to visibly change the URL in the browser location bar (without triggering a page refresh), and an event that fires when those entries are removed from the stack by the user pressing the browser’s back button. This means that the URL in the browser location bar can continue to do its job as a unique identifier for the current resource, even in script-heavy applications that don’t ever perform a full page refresh.


Why would you manually manipulate the browser location? After all, a simple link can navigate to a new URL; that’s the way the web has worked for 20 years. And it will continue to work that way. This API doesn’t try to subvert the web. Just the opposite. In recent years, web developers have found new and exciting ways of subverting the web without any help from emerging standards. The HTML5 history API is actually designed to ensure that URLs continue to be useful in script-heavy web applications.

Going back to first principles, what does a URL do? It identifies a unique resource. You can link to it directly; you can bookmark it; search engines can index it; you can copy and paste it and email it to

someone else, who can click it and end up seeing the same resource you saw originally. These are all excellent qualities. URLs matter.

So we want unique resources to have unique URLs. But at the same time, browsers have always had a fundamental limitation: if you change the URL, even through script, it triggers a roundtrip to the remote web server and a full page refresh. This takes time and resources, and it seems especially wasteful when you are navigating to a page that is substantially similar to the current page. Everything on the new page gets downloaded, even the parts that are exactly the same as the current page. There is no way tell a browser to change the URL but only download half a page.

The HTML5 history API lets you do this. Instead of triggering a full page refresh, you can use script to, in essence, download half a page. This illusion is tricky to pull off, and it requires some work on your part. Are you watching closely?

Let’s say you have two pages, page A and page B. The two pages are 90% identical; only 10% of the page content is different. The user navigates to page A, then tries to navigate to page B. But instead of triggering a full page refresh, you interrupt this navigation and do the following steps manually:

Load the 10% of the page from page B that is different from page A (probably using XMLHttpRequest). This will require some server-side changes to your web application. You will need to write code to return just the 10% of page B that is different from page A. This can be a hidden URL or query parameter that the end user would not normally see.

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Dive into html5 11