
I hear you have moved to a new apartment Steve. Is it true?

– Yes, it is. One of these days we’ll arrange a housewarm-party. And I want you and your wife Carol to be present.

– Thank you for the Invitation. How do you like your new apartment?

– It is very comfortable. It is a three bedroom apartment with modem conveniences: electric stove and a lot of built-in cupboards.

– On what floor is it?

– Our apartment is on the tenth floor of a high-rise dwelling house. We’ve got two elevators which work round o’clock.

– Is it far from the centre of the city?

– Rather. It takes me about an hour to get to the centre by bus and by metro. If I drive a car, it takes me thirty minutes.

– I see. Have you bought new furniture?

– We’ve bought wall units, two armchairs and a new icebox. We are planning to buy two carpets and a dining set.

– Good luck!

– Thanks. Are you going to move to a new apartment?

– No, I am not. We have been living in our two-room apartment for about eight years and we don’t want to move anywhere.

– Your apartment is comfortable, isn’t it?

– Yes, very. My wife arranged everything very nicely and I like it very much. We don’t have much furniture, but we have got everything we need.

– I am glad to hear it.

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