
Supplier: Good day, Alexandr! We are very glad to meet you and your company at the exhibition. Our company is named Lonrun and we are the biggest cameras manufacturer in China! We will be very happy to cooperate with reliable company in Russia. Please introduce your company!
Alexander: Thank you for your attention to our company. We are very glad to meet you, too! Vipaks was founded in 1955 year. So our company exists about fifteen years. Today we are the one of the most reliable supplier of security equipment.
Supplier: Alexander, please tell us who are your main customers?
Alexander: We work with installers very closely; also we have a very wide customer’s network from different regions of Russia.
Supplier: What about your competitors?
Alexander: We have a lot of companies in our city and in other regions, which we can position like our competitors. But we tried to build a strong cooperation with them. Our competitors make us stronger; they help us to grow better each day! Every day we should be attentive to save our leading positions in security market.
Supplier: Thank you! But how do you think, why customers prefer to make business with your company not with your competitors?
Alexander: I guess because we try to do our best for our customers. We try to find a special approach for every client. We usually think about a possibility to get a best product with best price to our customers – it is our business secret!

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