Color therapy

Color Therapy

Color therapy is a holistic and somewhat controversial style of healing, but since it is non-invasive it’s difficult to argue that it should not be tried. It dates back thousands of years to India, China, and other Egypt. Light of different wavelengths is used to produce color, and it is this same light that is used during the therapy. Light energy has an effect on all kinds of living cells, and what type of effect depends on the light energy that is used. It is believed by those who use healing therapies of this type that everything has a vibrational frequency, including human beings, and therefore the right light frequency can match or raise our vibrations, thus resulting in healing. This is very similar to aural or energy healing, and some of the Eastern traditions that use these types of techniques. Modern science tends to discount these, but they have been around for so long that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore them and state that they don’t work or that they have no benefit.

Whether the problem is mental, emotional, or physical, color therapy can treat it. It is safe and effective, and there are no side effects. Practitioners of this therapy caution that it should not be used in place of medical advice but rather should be used along with it to provide the maximum benefit. Everyone has colors that they like more than others, and practitioners of color therapy believe that there are two reasons for this. Either something negative has happened to us that we associate with a particular color, or there is an imbalance in one of our bodily systems that causes us to have an aversion to a certain color.

A light box is generally used to direct color onto the body, but there are other ways to use color therapy, including the placing of colored cloths on a person, solarized water, meditation that involves color, and a special kind of breathing that also uses color. Many of these methods also employ visualization techniques that seem to work very well for a lot of people when used as an alternative or complementary therapy. Whether they are actually making a difference or whether it is due to the placebo effect cannot be proven scientifically. However, if they are working and they do no harm, there is no reason why color therapy and other treatments like it should not be included in the treatment regime that a person has.

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Color therapy