City & Guilds: Экзамен

Being quite good at languages, I was constantly thinking of sitting for some British exam to get some certificate to indicate my level of English. But while thinking about it, I faced some serious problems: our town is quite tiny to have any inretnational exames hold in, so I had to go to Moscow, but that wasn`t a good layout from the situation. But one day I heard about City & Guilds Examinations, and everything has changed significantly.

When I first to the examination centre and asked about the exam, I wasn`t quite convinced about it. However, my reason was constantly telling me that it was worth trying. So I decided to participate in one of the session (it happened 4 years ago and I was doing Intermediate Level). I was greatly supprised to understant that the exam Required real language competence and practical skills but not a purely mechanical approach to the test, which is used while doing some other international exams. So I was really happy about the writen papers.

But what I loved best is definitely speaking exam! I was a bit nervous before it because I thought I wasn`t brilliant at speaking and couldn`t lead even a simple conversation. But when I entered the room where the inrerlocuter was staying, everything had changed drammatically. By the was, the nrerlocuter was Andrew Bayley! He was so cheerful and smiling, a real powerful communicator, that his approach to the candidates chased my worries away! I`ve never ever met such a sunny person before! He asked me loads of quetions, we descussed various things and and by the end of the exam I understood that I could do it, I overcame the psychologicalbarrier and feit extremely confident!

I am really greatful to Andrew Bayley and City & Guilds Exams, because they`ve changed my approach to life from a completely passive to an active one. I understood that I should be self-assured and ambitious to achieve what I want ( thanks to this approach greatly, because I`m really sussesful at my studies and my job). Moreover, I realised that English is essential for every person and I shouldn`t give up studing it. As a result, I was enrolled to linguistic department of Ulyanovsk State University and now I work part-time as an English Tutor.

So I can claim that City & Guilds Exams that have completely changed my life and I appreciate everything they`ve done for me!

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City & Guilds: Экзамен