Can’t fall asleep?(chapter 4)

Methods to Battle Insomnia, and What Else Could Be Preventing You From Getting Powerful Sleep

Have you ever had trouble falling asleep? Or perhaps you frequently wake up at night and can’t fall back asleep? As you may already know, my initial work deals with helping people with chronic insomnia cure their sleeping disorder at www. WonderfulSleep. com. If you’ve ever suffered from Insomnia, you’re about to get a crash course on what causes it and how to deal with it. You’ll also be able to use this information to increase the quality of your sleep.

There are three types of Insomnia:

Type 1) Sleep Onset Insomnia
When you cannot go to sleep, and usually have to lie in bed from 30 minutes to 3-4 hours (or more) before you finally go to sleep, after much anxiety, stress, tossing and turning. You usually wake up with a massive headache, feeling drowsy, or with your whole body aching.
Type 2) Sleep Maintenance Insomnia
You go to sleep normally, but you wake up during the night, once or several times, and you can’t go back to sleep, or it takes a long time for you to go back to sleep.
Type 3) Sleep Disturbance Insomnia You go to sleep normally, you sleep for a normal amount of time (7-8 hours for adults, 5-6 hours for the elderly), but you wake up un-rested, with a headache, aching, feeling drowsy, dizzy, etc.

Most Insomniacs suffer from a combination of type 1 and 2, if you suffer from type 3, you are most likely suffering from Sleep Apnea, or PLM (period limb movement), or other underlying sleep disorders. Also, if you are pregnant it is very common to experience type 3 Insomnia, especially in the last tri-semester of pregnancy.
You’ve already learned about what makes sleep and qualitative sleep possible. You might already have an understanding as to why most people can’t sleep, or sleep poorly. You’ve also learned some basics about the conscious and subconscious mind.

What you’ll learn here is that there’s a very interesting mechanism that actually prevents people with insomnia from sleeping!

Types of Insomnia

Short Term Insomnia
There are two types of Insomnia, short-term insomnia and chronic Insomnia. Short term Insomnia IS quite common, everyone in their life suffers from Insomnia at some point or another, and it is in reflect to the natural occurrences in our lives, stress, family and relationship problems, finances. Depression, medical and health problems are also very common causes of short term Insomnia.
Here’s where the real important thing you must understand comes into play. For most people, short term Insomnia lasts only a few days, afterwards their normal sleep patterns return.
For others, that period never ends, short term Insomnia becomes a part of their daily lives, perpetuated by the Insomnia Cycle Effect, which turns short term insomnia into:

Chronic Insomnia
If you have regular sleeping problems, then you have chronic Insomnia. Regular drowsiness, headaches, depression, and low energy is now a daily part of your life, falling asleep is pure torture. Don’t worry, I’ve been there, and I know how it feels.

The Natural Sleep Response
What is the difference between someone with sleeping problems and someone who can fall asleep easily?
The answer lies in the natural sleep response.
As you recall, the first stage of sleep is Stage 1 Sleep. It’s in this stage that our brain waves lower from beta waves to alpha and theta waves, and we enter an Alice in Wonderland day dream stage that takes us deeper and deeper into sleep.

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Can’t fall asleep?(chapter 4)