Camille pissarro

Camille Pissarro(1830-1903) was the only painter who took part in all eight of the Impressionist exhibitions which were held in Paris. Pissarro moved there in 1855 and Paris was the place where he started to develop as a painter. He met other painters like Monet, whose work influenced him and he began his move towards Impressionism. Pissarro later influenced other painters that were younger than him such as Cezzanne. Another painter he encouraged was the young Van Gogh.

In 1893 , he began experimenting with urban views of Paris which were painted from the windows of hotels or apartments. In a letter he wrote to his son, Lucien, in 1897, he said,’I am delighted to be able to paint these Paris streets that people find ugly but which are so silvery, lively and bright.’
Rue Saint-Honore. Effect of Rain is a painting which explores the effect of rain in the early afternoon. The small figures and carriages capture the movement and activity that is going on in the street. The colours Pissarro uses are not bright but he brilliantly produces the visual effect that comes from the wet streets.

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Camille pissarro