Business letter format

Format to Use When Writing a Business Letter

The following business letter format includes the information you need to include in a general business letter.

Business Letter Format

Contact Information (Your contact information)
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address


Contact Information (The person or company you are writing to)
City, State, Zip Code


Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: (Use a formal salutation not a first name)

Body of Business Letter

When writing a business letter, keep your letter simple and targeted, so the purpose of your letter is clear. Single space your letter and leave a space between each paragraph. Left justify your letter.

The first paragraph of your business letter should provide an introduction to why you are writing.

Then, in the following paragraphs provide more information and specific details about your request. Explain why you are writing so it’s easy for the reader to understand what you are asking.

The last paragraph of your letter should reiterate the reason you are writing and thank the reader for reviewing your request.

Leave a blank line after the salutation, between each paragraph, and before the complimentary close.

Complimentary Close:

Respectfully yours,


Handwritten Signature (for a mailed letter)

Typed Signature

Sample Letters
Letter samples for job seekers, including cover letters, interview thank you letters, follow-up letters, job acceptance and rejection letters, resignation letters, appreciation letters, and more great employment letter samples.

Business Letters
How to write business letters, general business letter format and templates, and employment related business letter examples.

Please Note: This sample is provided for guidance only. The provided information, including samples and examples, is not guaranteed for accuracy or legality. Letters and other correspondence should be edited to fit your personal situation.

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Business letter format