Bones 2×05 – the truth in the lye

BOOTH: [Out of breath] Wow! [Sighs] God, that was – Yeah, that was-
REBECCA STINSON, Booth’s ex: Amazing.
BOOTH: And a huge mistake.
BOOTH: Huge.
[Both start to put clothes on]
REBECCA: Why do we keep doing this?
BOOTH: Well, you know, we don’t. I mean, what’s it been? Twice in the past year?
REBECCA: Three. Four, if you count that stakeout.
BOOTH, putting on underwear: Okay, you know what? That wasn’t sex.
REBECCA: Maybe not for you. But… this is it.
BOOTH: You know what? You’re right. But, I mean… it’s not like we’re doing anything wrong. I mean, you and Drew are-
REBECCA: We needed to take a break. To gain…perspective. But, um, this isn’t helping.
BOOTH: And that’s why it’s over.
[looking at each other]
[Cell phone ringing]
BOOTH: That’s mine.
[Booth climbs over her, giving us a nice shot of Booth in his tightie-whities.]
[climbing over her-]
BOOTH: Ow. Oh. Ow!
[Booth falls off bed, picking up phone-]
[Rebecca begins to make the bed]
BOOTH: Booth. Yeah. Address. [picks up paper] Hey, you know, I, uh-
REBECCA: Oh, no, no, no. Me too. I have to pick up Parker from school.
[Rebecca gets off bed]
[Booth stands up, begins dressing-]
BOOTH: Oh, you know what? Make sure that you bring him the comic that I got him. He loves that.
REBECCA: Yeah, sure.
[Booth enters the bathroom, closes the door]
[Booth’s cell phone, on the bed, rings. Rebecca picks it up, glances toward closed door.]
[Opening phone-]
REBECCA: Uh – uh – Agent Booth’s phone.
[Cut to – BRENNAN at the Jeffersonian, at her computer]
[Looking shocked, confused-]
BRENNAN: Oh, hi. It’s Dr. Brennan. Is Agent Booth… available?

/> [Cut to – REBECCA, putting on clothes, looking uncomfortable]
REBECCA: Uh, available? Yeah, Dr. Brennan, I-
[Booth steps out of bathroom, with no shirt on, looking at Rebecca. Rebecca urgently hands him the phone.]
[Cut to BRENNAN-, who still looks confused]
BOOTH [on the phone]: Yeah, Bones. What’s up?
BRENNAN: Nothing, just seeing if you got the call, and if you were swinging by to pick me up or-
[Cut to BOOTH, who is putting on his shirt-]
BOOTH: Oh yeah. Um, I’m just gonna have to meet you there, okay?
[Cut to BRENNAN-]
BRENNAN: [fast] Okay, bye.
[hangs up the phone]
[Cut to BOOTH]
[Cut to BRENNAN]
[Cut to BOOTH]
BOOTH: [to Rebecca] You don’t, uh, think she thought-
REBECCA: No. No, we have a child together. It’s perfectly normal for us to – to be together.
BOOTH: Right, uh, it’s not like this is ever gonna happen again.
[mouth’s really close, almost kissing this entire conversation]
REBECCA: No. Exactly. Okay, um, are you done with the bathroom?
BOOTH: Yeah.
REBECCA: Okay, thanks.
[she walks off screen]
[Cut to – the CRIME SCENE. It’s a construction site. There is lots of yelling, and a “You’re clear!” as Booth drives in.]
[He gets out of the car.]
BRENNAN: Sorry if I interrupted anything.
[they walk]
BOOTH: [obviously lying] What? Oh! No. No, you didn’t.
BOOTH: Okay. But if you must know, you know, Rebecca, my ex… she stopped by my place to pick up a comic that I got Parker.
BOOTH: She just so happened to pick up the phone. That’s it. You know? Nothing more, nothing less.
[turning a corner]
BRENNAN: I’m sorry. Did I say I must know?
[cut to – a condominium under construction. It is all wooden beams.]
[They enter an unfinished bathroom]
[There is a bathtub, filled with what cannot be described with words.

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