Bad choices

I am a 33 year old divorced woman with four kids. I was married for 12 years and I have been divorced for
Approximately 3 years. I met my new boyfriend during my divorce. We hit it off and have been together ever
Since. He is a 44 year old divorced man. When I met him he had been divorced for 2 years. Well, I met his exwife
And she seemed to be an okay person. What I found out 3 months into my relationship with him was that
He was fooling around with his ex-wife again – who also at this time had a boyfriend of her own. I figured
That since I did not have a committed relationship with him, I had no place to say anything. The problem is
It continued further into our relationship, up to the point when I found out I was pregnant. At the same time I
Found out that he and his ex-wife planned to go to his family reunion together. Of course before all of this, I
Drove by his house one night and saw her car parked outside his home. The excuse I got after all of this was
That they were considering getting back together. I thought it was very funny that as soon as she met me, she
Found interest in him again.
I guess my issue is the fact that now I am still in this relationship. I have brought a child into this nonsense
And I hate the fact that he keeps in contact with her. My boyfriend has taken responsibility for her son from a
Previous relationship. His excuse for having so much contact with his ex-wife is because of that boy. I know
This is not true but I have no real proof otherwise. I have also dealt with him taking women to hotels and my
Gut tells me it was her, but he promises it was not her.
I have tried to get over all the cheating. I know that she is very close to his family and I also know that his
Family does not like me because I stand up for myself. I guess the bottom line is knowing how much contact
His ex-wife has with him and the fact that he knows I can’t stand her. Am I in a weird relationship with a man
That wants to have his cake and eat it too? Or am I being paranoid and need to trust him when he says he
Does not want her. I have never had so much animosity towards two people in my life. I do love this man, but
I feel like I have put myself back in an unhealthy relationship with a man that is trying to lie to me.
To be totally honest, now that I have his child I even hate the fact that he helps her son. She never has to ask
For anything regarding that boy, but I have to constantly remind him when our son needs something. He does it
For the other boy without thinking, but my son is a second thought even when I have said, “Look at your son.
He is in dire need”. I was married to a cheating man and hooked up with another cheating man. I wonder if
It’s just my bad choices in men.

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Bad choices