Back to the forest

A few days later, Robin rode back from the coast and went to Ann`s house.
`Ann! Are you there?` he called.
`Robin? Robin Hood?` cried Ann. She sounded angry.
`Yes, Ann, this is Robin. Is Marian here? Can I come in?`
`Marian is walking in the forest,` said Ann. `She will be back later. Come in. Let me give you something to drink while you wait for her.`
She went to get the drink, and Robin sat down by the fire.
`Here you are!` said Ann. She put a drink in his hand. `Drink it all – it will warm you up!`
But Robin did not drink it. Although Ann spoke kindly, there was a cruel glint in her eye, and he did not trust her. Perhaps she had put poison in the drink, so that he would die and she could have Marian all to herself!
`Now, tell me what happened after you left Locksley Hall,` said Ann.
`I went to sea in a fishing boat!` said Robin. `And there were some pirates… and some gold… and the captain put me back on land… and now I have come back for Marian!`
He sniffed the drink. It smelled bad. Now he knew that it had been poisoned! He blew his horn to call Little John.
The door opened, and Robin saw his wife.
`Robin!` cried Marian. `It was walking in the forest and I heard your horn! You`re back!` She sat down next to him.
`But you look worried! What is it, my love?`
The door opened again.
`Robin!` cried Little John. `I`ve come to help you – tell me what has happened!`
`This woman… Ann… my wife`s sister… she was trying to poison me, Little John! She wanted me out of the way so that Marian could come and live with her.`
Little John frowned. `And I suppose she wanted your money as well as your wife!`
Shocked, Robin looked at Ann. `You are a wicked woman,` he said. He took the poisoned drink and threw it at Ann. `Here, you can have this back. But you cannot have my money! Come, Marian! Come, Little John! Let us go back to Sherwood Forest, where we belong!`
He flung the door open, and the three of them ran out of the house. The two men jumped onto their horses, and Robin lifted Marian up and sat her on the saddle in front of him.
Robin Hood, and his wife Marian, and his friend Little John, were soon on their way back to the forest. They were on their way home.

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Back to the forest