Axure: functional specifications

Specifications are an effective way to document, communicate, and achieve agreement on a design.

Axure RP generates specifications in Microsoft Word’s DOCX format which has been the default format for Word since Word 2007. You do not need Word installed to generate the specification, but you will need Word to edit the Word template or view the generated document.

If you have Word 2000, XP, or 2003 installed, the Axure RP installer includes the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack which enables these versions of Word to open, edit, and save. docx files.

If you are using the Mac version, the specification is compatible with Word for Mac and will also open in iWork Pages, but with some differences in formatting.

There are a number of ways you can customize the specification including choosing the pages to generate and importing a template with custom headers and footers. Once you’ve configured the specification, just click the Generate button to generate the Word document.

To open the Generate Specification dialog, go to Generate -> Specification in the main menu or click the Specification button in the editor toolbar.

General: Enter the Destination File for the specification. By default, it generates to the My Axure RP Specifications folder in your My Documents (in the Mac version, the default folder is ~/Documents/Axure/Specification).

Pages: Select the pages to include in the specification.

Masters: Select the masters to include in the specification. There is an option to include master annotations in the page section for pages that contain a master.

Page Properties: Select and order the page notes.

Screenshots: Option to show or not show screenshots of the wireframes.

Widget Properties: Select and order the annotations. You can separate annotations into multiple tables.

Layout: Select single or two column layout and order the content.

Word Template: Select and

edit the template.

Widget Tables contain properties of the widgets including footnotes, label, interactions, annotation fields, widget text, widget tooltip, and list options. They can be configured in the Widget Properties section.

By default a single Widget Table is configured to include the footnote, label, and annotation fields. You can add more tables to divide the widget properties into multiple tables by clicking “Add” next to the table name.

Filters can be applied to limit the rows that appear in the Widget Tables. By default, only widgets with footnotes are documented, meaning they either have annotations or interactions defined.

If you’d like to generate a content specification that includes all of the widget text, you can uncheck the option to only include widgets with footnotes and check the Widget Text column.

You can also check the “Remove rows with only Footnote and Label data” to remove rows that are otherwise empty. And you can even filter based on specific annotation field values like “Target Release equals 1.1”.

In the Layout section, you can configure the order of the content. For example, one widget table can be generated above the screenshot and another below it.

You can also switch from a single column layout to two column. When switching to two column, you can specify the percentage the left column occupies. This is usually adjusted to allow for a larger screenshot. The screenshot size can be further configured in the Screenshot section where you can specify the maximum width and height of each screenshot as a percentage of the Page or Column Width and Page Height respectively.

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Axure: functional specifications