Au pair

Au pair

*Read this, then answer the questions below.

Amaya is an eighteen-year-old Spanish girl from Madrid. She wants to work in hotels in Spain. Her English isn`t very good and she knows it must be good for a hotel job. She has decided to work as an au pair for a year in England because this will help her English. She likes children (but not babies) and wants to be in a big city.

*Complete this information about Amaya.

* Why does Amaya want to work as au pair?

* Read them and complete the chart below.

A family friend sends these advertisements from England.
A) Central London
Au pair wanted for friendly family with boy and 2 girls, 8, 13 and 14. Six hours work 5 days a week. Central London. Very good language school nearby. £70 a week
B) Au pair – £80 per week
Wanted. Au pair for single working mother with three children, two, five and nine. Working hours 8.00-6.00. Monday – Friday. £80 per week. Country town. Use of car.
C) Au pair wanted for happy family with two boys aged two and six months. Five hours work a day, 3 evenings. Seaside town. £65 a week.
D) Loving family needs friendly au pair for 2 boys, 5 and 6. Six hours a work 5 days a week. Own car. Near central London. £70 week.

…| city | № of children | babies(under 2) | hours work a day | car | pay
A |…….|…………3……….|………….-………….|…………………………|………| £
B |…-…|……………………|………………………|…………………………|………|

C |……..|…………………..|………………………|…………….5………….|………| £
D |……..|…………………..|………………………|………………………….|….+…| £70
– no / + yes

*Which advertisements do you think Amaya will be interested in? Why? What`s wrong with the other?

*Amaya writes to two of the families and they write back to her. Answer these questions.
_ Read the two letters and then say which advertisements (a, b, c or d) they go with
_ Which family do you think Amaya will choose? Why?

Dear Amaya,
We have very happy to hear from you. We want to Spanish au pair because Anna and Laura, the eldest children, are studying Spanish at school. It will help them a lot is you can speak Spanish with them at home. We would like you to do this every day for an hour. At weekends we go away to our house in the country, so you will have our London house to yourself! We hope we can trust you!…

Dear Amaya,
Thank you for your lovely letter. You say your English isn`t very good. We will do our best to help you with it. We know that au pairs need to speak English and well speak a lot of English with you and make you one of the family. Here are some photographs of my husband and me and the boys. Jonny is five and talk a lot, Paul is six and already loves reading!

* Read the text again. Which words in the letters mean the same as these words?
A) You will be alone in the house.
B) He likes books a lot.
C) It was a nice to get you letter.
D) We will try to help you.
I) From Friday until Sunday we go away
F) These are pictures of our family.

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Au pair