Appearance and character

Appearance and Character

Attractive, good-looking, beautiful, handsome, pretty, cute, nice;

Plain, plain-looking, unattractive, ugly;

Well-dressed, casually dressed, poorly dressed;

Neat, clean – untidy, dirty;

Tall, pretty tall, short, pretty short, medium height, average height, 6 feet tall;
Weight and Build

Thin, quite thin, slim, slender, medium-build, overweight, fat, strong, muscular, athletic;

Dark, fair, black, red, brown, blond, chestnut brown, white, gray;

Long, short, medium-length, shoulder-length, straight, curly, wavy, thick, thinning, bald;

Shiny, smooth, neatly combed – dull, tousled, disheveled;

Blue, green, gray, brown, light-blue, dark-gray, grayish-blue, dark;

Big, bright, expressive, with long lashes;

Young, old, middle-aged, in her thirties, about forty;

Pleasant personality, good-tempered, good-natured, easy-going, kind;

Terrible character, bad-tempered, ill-natured;

Friendly, sociable, outgoing – unfriendly, hostile, unsociable;

Strong, tough, independent, mature – weak, immature;

Dependable, reliable, trustworthy, honest – unreliable, dishonest;

Reasonable, sensible – unreasonable, unpredictable, impulsive;

Ambitious, hard-working, energetic – careless, lazy;

Disciplined, organized, careful, accurate – undisciplined, disorganized, careless;

Attentive, alert, perceptive, observant, insightful, thoughtful, considerate;

Aggressive, pushy, self-confident – shy, timid, modest, humble;

Self-centered, egoistical, haughty, stubborn, obstinate;

Moody, melancholic, self-conscious, touchy, sensitive;

Humorous, amusing, funny, interesting – dull, boring;

Generous – economical, thrifty, stingy, miserly, greedy;


official – informal, relaxed, casual;

Strange, odd, weird, eccentric, crazy;

Intelligent, broad-minded; sharp, keen, bright, quick, agile, wise, clever;

Foolish, stupid, narrow-minded;
Related Phrases

What does she look like?

She is young and good-looking, with dark eyes and long red hair.

He is tall and thin, with brown hair.

She is average height, dark-haired, quite thin, and wears glasses. She’s about 50.

He is old, short, medium-build, with gray hair and a beard.

She has dark eyes, wavy blond hair, and a nice figure. She looks great.

He is a handsome middle-aged man. She is a pretty young girl.

How do I look?

You look good. You look great. You look nice. You look terrible. You look awful.

What is he like?

He is friendly and dependable. He is interesting and amusing.

He is smart and honest. He is also pretty humorous. I like him.

She is careless and lazy. You can’t depend on her.

She is serious, organized, hard-working and tough.

He is old, sick and lonely. She is a nice clever girl.

His character is terrible. He is hostile and bad-tempered. He doesn’t have many friends.

She is knowledgeable, broad-minded, and likes to help young people.

What does he like?

He likes ice cream and chocolate. She likes modern music.

Who does he take after, his mother or his father?

He takes after his father in appearance, but he is like his mother in character.

He looks like his mother, but he takes after his father in character.

Like his father, he is tall and handsome.

What are you interested in? What are you into?

I am interested in medicine. I’m into computers. I’m a movie fan.
Other related words

Note: Words on the same line are NOT synonyms. Some of these terms are slang words, use with caution.

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Appearance and character