Animal idioms 2

Here are the answers to the English idioms featuring animals:

To bark up the wrong tree
– choose the wrong way of doing something

To buy a pig in a poke
– buy something without knowing if it will be satisfactory

To be a cash cow
– be a good, and often easy, way to make money

To cry wolf
– warn of a danger that is not there

To be a dark horse
– be a candidate little known to the public

To be an eager beaver
– be a person who is always happy to work or do something extra

To get someone’s goat
– annoy someone

To get on your high horse
– behave with arrogance

To hold your horses
– wait, be patient

To horse around
– play around in a physical way

To be in the doghouse
– be in trouble or disfavor with someone

To let the cat out of the bag
– tell something that is supposed to be a secret

To live high off the hog
– have the best of everything

To look a gift horse in the mouth
– complain if a gift is not perfect

To make a mountain out of a molehill
– make something that is unimportant seem important

To put the cart before the horse
– do things in the wrong order

To smell a rat
– be suspicious or somone or something

To take the bull by the horns
– take decisive action

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Animal idioms 2