Android marketing – 5.6 make graphics your focal point

The phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words” is well-suited to the Android Market and selling your Android app. Good graphics help sell your product. Spend time to ensure that your graphics showcase your app in the best possible way. It is possible, for example, to turn your graphics horizontally for a different look rather than showing the pictures of your app vertically. You can showcase your app with a mix of vertical and horizontal photos.

Some developers only post one or two photos of their app on the Android Market. This is a big mistake. The Android Market allows you to post up to five photos of your app, and you should use every last one of them. To not use all five photos is like being given 30 seconds to do a TV commercial and only using 20 seconds. Use every last tool at your disposal to display you app in its best light.

Make Your App’s Icon Pop

Another very important aspect of building a solid marketing message is selecting an icon that helps convey the meaning of your app. The easier it is to see visually what your app is about, the easier someone can make a decision to take a closer look at it. For example, if your app is a utility-related app, select a graphic that conveys the type of utility this app provides. Adding a few descriptive words to the icon can also strengthen the visual message.

If you’ve had your app posted for a few months and you’re not seeing as many sales as you like, change out your icon for a new one. People get accustomed to seeing the same icon over and over again and may pass right over it. If you post a new icon, you’ll attract new buyers.

Another great use of the icon is to post a promotion using part of the icon. Let’s say you’ve decided to have a 50% off sale for a holiday weekend. You can modify the bottom of your icon or the top-right/left corner to announce your sale.

Build a Simple, Clean Product Website

Your product

website should be similar in look and feel to your Android Market product page. A carryover between the two sites will help build buyer confidence in your app and show that you are serious about your business. A sloppy website with broken links does not inspire confidence when a buyer is seeking more information about your apps. This does not mean that you have to spend a fortune on your site,
But it must look clean and simple. This means that your home page should have graphics and showcase your app just like the Android Market. For more information on the specifics of your website, see Chapter 6,”Electronic Word of Mouth.” For now, let’s focus on the website message.

You may be building your own website, or perhaps you’ve hired someone to help you out. Either way, chances are you will be the one coming up with the messaging for your site. It is imperative that you learn to write well and convey the value of your app (or apps) to your reader. Obviously, web copy will vary in style, readability level, and length, depending on the type of apps you are selling. The sole purpose of your site is to make sales, and your web copy should reflect that. Persuasion, clear product descriptions, and rationale for buying will all be important. On the other hand, a website for games may well have short copy that needs to be extremely well written to keep your viewers interested and willing to click around.

Android apps can be purchased from the Android Market on your mobile phone or from any website showcasing the apps.

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Android marketing – 5.6 make graphics your focal point