Already, just, still, yet

Already, Just, Still, Yet
Category: Adverbs

Already, just, still, and yet are adverbs of time. They are used to describe things which are going on, are expected, or close to the present time.
Already refers to something that has happened earlier than expected (ex. The food we ordered is already here). Or it can refer to something that could have happened later than it did (ex. I have already finished my homework even though it’s not due until next week).

Just refers to something that is at this moment (ex. I had just arrived when the phone rang.).

Still refers to something that has (surprisingly) not finished (ex. I’m still hungry after eating so much.)

(Not) yet refers to something that was expected has not happened, but it is expected to soon (ex. Lunch is not ready yet.).

Already, just, still, and yet can be used with different verb tenses, but are commonly used with past and perfect tenses.

Still not and not yet can be used for similar situations but have different focuses. Still not focuses on the past (ex. He still hasn’t called me.)

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Already, just, still, yet