Additives and preservatives

For the peaceful neighbourhood in Munich, Germany, a flood is a terrible enough event. If it damages a cemetery so much, that the remains have to be evacuated and reburied later on, it is twice as terrible. But when it is found out that the bodies which had been buried within the past 30-40 years don’t seem to rot at all, it is plain frightening.

The people working in the evacuation of the remains from the cemetery were amazed when they saw that some of the bodies were mummified and seemed buried only yesterday, although it takes a human body about 50 years to disintegrate. Two versions clashed in the scientific community – either the soil can no longer decompose bodies due to ecological changes in it, or something has seriously changed in the organism of human beings. The scientists, who were of the latter opinion, claimed that those changes are caused by the food a modern person consumes. The popular saying “you are what you eat” seems once again true.

Where do people who are living in developed countries get their food? In supermarkets, where products are kept in neat rows of cartons, cans, cellophane containers. The more containers the supermarket sells the more money it gets. So it buys from those suppliers whose food stays fresh longer. And how can food not go bad? Modern science has armed food production companies with preservatives which keep food fresh longer and, in the long run, a person’s body intact after death.

If bodies do not disintegrate, first of all, mineral resources will not be formed for the future generations, the composition of soil will change and the results are difficult to predict, but all that will be not in our lifetime. So can we really stop worrying about what is not our immediate problem? Unfortunately, we cannot. Numerous cases of food poisoning of children (whose organisms are not as tough as an adult’s) after they ate a couple of nuts or chips suggest there is something wrong

with those products. Plenty of adult who keep to a fast food diet suffer from very serious health problems, a typical disease for those people is chronic pancreatitis. In perspective such diet leads to stomach cancer, of which die one in three people in Russia.

Fast food, soft drinks, chips, bouillon cubes soups, ready-made mashed potatoes and noodles, microwave dishes, convenience food are the most popular food items for people working 24/7 and those who are just too lazy to take care of their own body. Many of them complain that when they taste a normal chicken soup “it just doesn’t feel tasty”. How can it be that a natural product is not as tasty as the one, which is an artificial imitation? Here we have to say “thank you” to E621 – it intensives the sensitivity of tongue receptors so that with it any food seems just ever so wonderful, even if it is a noodle cup. Needless to say, no additives are good for health, no matter how tasty they make your food.

Another sore topic is sausages of any type. Specialists in cats’ and dogs’ diets prohibit cat – and dog-owners to feed their pets with sausages, so do you think it can be dangerous for animals but not dangerous for people? The composition of a sausage in the 18th century has nothing to do with today’s product of the same name and it is better not to know what is inside. The same goes about meat pieces. The only relatively safe meat is the one you cook yourself.

Soft drinks are the trickiest to deal with.

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Additives and preservatives