About putin

He was born on October 7, 1952 in Leningrad. About himself told that the child enjoyed tinkering with the films of the Soviet intelligence, dreamed of working in state security. Putin’s father, Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, has been a party to the war, working in the factory. The mother, Maria Ivanovna Shelomova also worked at the factory, survived the siege of Leningrad. Putin’s parents were baptized in Turginovo Tver Region in 1911. Vladimir was the third son in the family, two older brothers, born back in the 30th years, died in childhood. Working family lived in communal apartment in Leningrad.

In 1970, joined the international department faculty Leningrad State University named Zhdanov (LGU). In LGU Vladimir joined the CPSU (to be a member of the party until its dispersal in 1991. In 1975, and graduated from the Faculty of Law of the international department of Leningrad State University (one of his teachers was Anatoly Sobchak), the topic of diplom – “the most favorable nation principle in international law “.
Vladimir Putin was elected president of the Russian Federation in 2000 as the hand-picked successor of Boris Yeltsin. After earning a law degree in 1975, Putin joined the KGB, the security force of the former Soviet Union. He spent years working primarily in East Germany, then left the service in 1991 and became active in the politics of St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad). He was brought to Moscow by Yeltsin in 1996 and served as an administrator in the Kremlin and an official for the security organizations which replaced the KGB. In 1999 Putin became Yeltsin’s fifth prime minister in 17 months, then became acting president when Yeltsin left office. He was officially elected to the office in 2000 and then re-elected in a landslide vote in March of 2004. As president he gained a reputation as a clever and ruthless political operator with a hunger for Russian power and not too much concern for the niceties of democracy or diplomacy. He stepped down in 2008 (as required by term limits) and was replaced by his own hand-picked successor, Dmitry Medvedev. Medvedev then installed Putin as prime minister, a move which left Putin, as The New York Times put it, as “the country’s dominant politician, with a firm grip on power.”

Putin married the former Lyudmila Shkrebneva in 1983. They have two daughters: Maria (b. 1985) and Yekaterina (b. 1986, also known as Katerina or Katya).

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About putin