A new job

A New Job
Operator: Hello, Woolworths’.
Sue: Ah hello. 1 wonder if I could speak to the Personnel Manager, please?
Operator: Yes, certainly. If you’ll hold on a minute I’ll put you through.
Sue: Thank you.
John: Hello, John Adams speaking.
Sue: Ah good morning, Mr Adams, I saw your advertisement in the Saffron Walden Reporter for a hostess, and I wondered if you could give me a few more details about the job.
John: Yes, certainly. Perhaps I should make it clear from the start, it is a part time job. We would need you from ten in the morning until two in the afternoon, roughly.
Sue: Yes, I didn’t realize that, actually. It wasn’t clear in the advertisement.
John: Aha. Are you still interested?
Sue: Well I am interested, but it would depend to some extent on what the salary is.
John: Yes, well we’re offering about £75 a week. Obviously this may be a little bit more if you have the right qualifications and experience. Have you in fact had any experience in catering?
Sue: Well, yes, I have. I’m at present working for and have been working for the same firm for about five years, for a small firm of consultant engineers and I’ve been doing work rather similar to the kind of work that I think is described in the advertisement.
John: Yes, well, I mean we have a fairly small staff here, we’re talking about fifteen to twenty people. So, your duties will be sort of to prepare and serve the food at just at lunchtimes.
Sue: I see. Yes, I’m sure I’d be able to manage that – that wouldn’t be a problem.
John: Yes well, that sounds about right. Perhaps you could come down for an interview some time?
Sue: Yes, when would be suitable for you?
John: Let me just have a look at my diary. Perhaps, what about next Wednesday at about 2.30 in the afternoon? Would that be all right for you?
Sue: Wednesday 2.30. Yes, that, I think that would be fine, actually. That’s OK.
John: Ah good. Yeah, and perhaps you could bring any qualifications you’ve got so we could have a look at them and…
Sue: Yes, yes, OK.
John: Could you just tell me who you’re working for at the moment?
Sue: I’m working for Blogges actually in the High Street.
John: Right, OK and could I just have your name?
Sue: Yes my name, my surname is Boardman. That’s BOARDMAN and my initial is S.
John: Right, OK, Miss Boardman. Well, see you then next Wednesday at 2.30.
Sue: OK. Thanks very much then.
John: Lovely. OK. Bye.
Sue: Bye.

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A new job