A healthy diet

It’s very important to choose a balanced, healthy diet. Fooc is fuel, and our minds and bodies depend on it for the energy tc be healthy and strong.
In many countries there has been growing public awareness in recent years of the importance of a healthy diet. Medica; research has shown that a diet which is low in fats, especially saturates, and rich in fruits, vegetables and starchy foods contributes to good health and can reduce the risk of certain serious illnesses. Many scientists believe they may have found key to a longer life – eat less and live longer!
While keeping to any diet, you must remember:
1. Eat less salt, sugar and saturated fat (which can be found in meat, dairy products;crisps, cakes, biscuits and chocolate).
2. Eat more raw fruit and vegetables, wholemeal bread and other foods rich in fibre (nuts, cereals, beans, etc.)
3. Check the “Contents” labels on packets and tins to see what they actually contain.
4. If you want to lose weight, do it regularly. People who. lose weight quickly usually put it back on quickly, too.
5. Eat regularly – your body needs a steady flow of energy.
6. Drink five or six glass of water per day.
7. Get plenty of variety in your diet.
8. Reduce (or preferably cut out completely) the sugar you take in tea (coffee).
9. Don’t add salt to food a) while you’re cooking it; b) at the table. Add lemon juice, herbs or spices instead.
10. When you buy tinned vegetables, look for one’s with “No added salt” on the label.
11. To reduce the saturated fat in your diet a) grill food, don’t fry it; b) choose low-fat) products (cheeses, milk, etc.).
12. Don’t eat sugary foods too often.
13. Look after the vitamins and minerals in your food.
14. If you drink, keep within sensible limits.
15. Enj oy your food!
Good nutrition is important for good health. You need

to eat the right foods to help prevent disease and control your weight. To eat the right foods is especially vital for children because they grow.
There are six basic food groups:
1) Breads, cereals, rice, and pasta
2) Vegetables
3) Fruits
4) Milk, yogurt, and cheese
5) Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts
6) Fats, oils, and sweets.
Some foods with good nutrition such as ice-cream, are also high in fat or added sugar. So it’s better to choose reduced fat ice-cream.
It is natural that you may prefer some foods and hate others. However, for you to be healthy, all six groups are important.
What are your eating habits? What is your most favourite and least favourite food? What is your attitude to fast food?
Do you know that fast food is usually not healthy food? It is often high in fat, cholesterol, and sugar. And it is usually low in vitamins and minerals. For example, a hamburger and French fries are high in fat and cholesterol, which are the leading causes of heart disease. Cola is all sugar, and no nutrition. The only good news is that it’s fast.
Another bad thing is that you often eat in a hurry. You eat more when you are in a hurry, too. You eat without thinking about how much or how often you eat. You can be overweight, which is bad for your health.
Meat, term applied to the edible portions of domestic mammals such as cattle, calves, sheep, lambs, and swine. The meat of cattle is known as beef; calves, as veal; sheep, as mutton; lambs, as lamb; and swine, as pork. The term meat can be applied to the edible portions of poultry and wild birds and mammals (game) and to the portions of other animals such as crustaceans and reptiles that are eaten by humans.

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A healthy diet