A day in the life of two families

A day in the life of two families
These are the homes of the Sowerbutts family and
The Lamb family.
They live next to each other.
Let’s find out more about them.
My name’s Christine Sowerbutts. I live in Bushey,
Which is just to the north of London.
I live with my husband, Jim, and my four children.
They are three girls and a boy.
The eldest is called Lara, she’s 16,
the next is Eleanor, she’s 14, then Anna, 10
And Jack, who’s 7.
My husband is a teacher – he teaches history
And social science at a big school in London.
Hello, my name is Jim Sowerbutts,
And I am married to Christine.
My name is Jane Lamb. I live in Bushey,
And I live next door to Christine.
3 I’m married to Clive, who is Christine’s brother.
We have four children – Spencer, who is 16,
Matthew, who is 14, Jessica, who’s 9,
and Jordan, who is 5.
Hello, I’m Clive. I’m Jane’s husband.
I live next door to Christine, who’s my sister.
My name is Matthew Lamb, I’m thirteen.
I live in Bushey. I go to Queens School.
I’ve got two brothers and one sister.
My oldest brother’s name is Spencer, and he’s 16,
my younger brother’s Jordan, and he’s 5,
And my sister is 9.
Hi, my name’s Lara Sowerbutts. I live in Bushey,
Which is in North Watford. I go to Queens School,
and I’m taking my exams this summer.
I’ve got two younger sisters
called Eleanor and Anna,
And I’ve got one younger brother called Jack.
My normal weekday starts about 7 o’clock
With my first cup of tea in bed.
I usually get up about half past seven after
My second cup of tea has woken me up.
We normally get up in the morning at
About seven

thirty, and we all have breakfast,
and then Clive goes to work,
And I get the children ready for school,
and they leave the house at about eight thirty.
I take them to school about half past eight – I also
Take my nephew and my niece,
so there’s quite a crowd of us.
I need to be at work at nine o’clock – that’s about
Half an hour drive away for me.
My first lesson is at 9 o’clock until 10.
Then have another lesson until break time at 10
Past 11.
Usually Monday morning I have a lot of washing to
Do from the weekend,
so I put that in the machine and maybe go out by
About 11 o’clock to the shops,
to the greengrocers, to the supermarket,
To get in the weekly shop.
Lessons begin at quarter to nine,
and I teach then until one o’clock,
When we have lunch.
The afternoon school begins at quarter to two and
Ends at quarter to three.
Normally I come home at about five o’clock and
Then have some tea.
We have tea at six, and I go to bed at nine thirty.
At half past six I give Jessica and Jordan a bath,
And then we read them a bedtime story,
and get them into bed for about half past seven.
The children usually go to bed about 9 o’clock,
Unfortunately, which is quite late,
but they won’t sleep before 9 o’clock,
and then we usually have 2 hours of peace
before going to bed at about 11 o’clock,
Half past eleven, something like that.

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A day in the life of two families