A business trip to new york

Last winter Eileen went to New York on business. Her husband went with her as he had never been to New York before. On the last day of their stay in New York they checked out of the hotel in the morning. Eileen is husband decided to do some sightseeing while she was at her last business meeting.
They agreed to meet at the airport. The plane was to leave at a quarter past nine.
When after the meeting Eileen went out into the street there was much snow everywhere and it was still snowing heavily. She took a taxi but it was just before Christmas and there was a terrible traffic jam. Then the car broke down. Suddenly she remembered there was a subway close to that place and decided to go by it.
When she took a bus from the subway to the airport, it was almost 8.30. It wasn`t far from the airport but it was still snowing heavily and the bus was moving slowly. When at last crowd of people among whom she saw her husband.
“There was no need to hurry”, he said. “The snow has delayed everything. The plane is late too.”
Bill worked in a factory, and came home at half-past six every evening. He came home early last Friday, and he was very angry. He shut the door, went into the living-room and sat down.
His wife was in the kitchen. She came up to her husband and looked at him for a few seconds. Then she asked: “Why are you angry, Bill?”
“Bus tickets cost three pence last week, but now they cost two pence”, he said.
“But that isn’t bad, Bill”, his wife said. “It’s good. Going by bus is cheaper now.”
“Yes, it is,” Bill said, “but I always walk to work in the mornings, and I walk home in the evenings. Last week I saved six pence every day, but now I save only four pence”.

A mother and her young son into a bus and sat down. The bus conductor came up to them and asked to pay the fare. The mother said, “I want one ticket to Oxford, and gave him a shilling.
The conductor was looking at the small boy for a few second then asked, “How old are you, young man?”
The mother began speaking, but the conductor stopped her, and the boy said, “I’m four years old at home, and a half in buses and trains.”
The mother took sixpence more out of her bag and gave it to the conductor. He gave her one ticket and a half.

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A business trip to new york