75 reasons to volunteer

I posted the following list a few years ago. However, given natural disasters being dealt with in North America and around the world, I thought it would be beneficial to re-post these reasons to volunteer.

Here in Alberta, wildfires have forced the evacuation of communities. In the most extreme case, the town of Slave Lake has be evacuated of its 7,000 residents. Thirty percent of the town has been burned and people are living in evacuations centres.

This has been a record-setting tornado season in the USA, leaving death and destruction in their wake. And the season is not over. Major earthquakes have hit both Japan and New Zealand with devastating consequences.

Often times, in among the chaos and confusion of these events, volunteers provide the key services and support that help people as they begin to put their lives back together.

Of course volunteering doesn’t need to be confined to crisis events. Everyday, organizations and services are looking for volunteers to help in the effective delivery of programs.

You can make a difference. Volunteering can transform you and the world around you. There are plenty of reasons why you should volunteer – find the one that feels right.

Help others
Make a difference
Find purpose
Enjoy a meaningful conversation
Connect with your community
Feel involved
Contribute to a cause that you care about
Use your skills in a productive way
Develop communication skills
Build personal and professional contacts
Meet new people
Explore new areas of interest
Help those who can’t help themselves
Make new friends
Preserve the environment
Impact a child’s future
Spread joy
Build a better future
Pass along wisdom
Lift someone’s spirits
Plant a community garden
Develop new talents
Showcase good citizenship
Change someone’s life

back to the community
Do Your part
Tutor a teen
Right a wrong
Help others stay healthy
Put your skills to work
Blaze a trail
Make your mark
Make your community safe
Gain new insights
Be part of a team
Help a friend
Understand new cultures
Add meaning to your day
Savour the love of others
Clean up a park
Assist at school
Achieve harmony in life
Feed the hungry
Relieve disaster
Get energized
Be a companion
Motivate others
Make the world a better place
Meet good people
Impress your mom
Impress yourself
Build your self-esteem and self-confidence
Expand your horizons
Get out of the house
Make new friends
Explore new vistas
Do your part
Add sunshine to someone’s day
Erase illiteracy
For the love of children
Achieve self-fulfilment
Connect with your community
Build shelters for the homeless
Get that positive spirit flowing
Bring the community together
Be a positive influence
Show that you care
Feel good about yourself
Stay young at heart
Teach others
Better your community
Experience other lifestyles
Help your neighbours
Help wipe out poverty
Have fun!

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75 reasons to volunteer