7 key elements to a successful business blog

Over the past 7 years of blogging, one could say I’ve become quite familiar with the world of blogging. Online Marketing Blog has received a lot of kudos recently but more importantly, our experience with reviewing others’ blogs has been a learning experience to say the least. I’ve looked at over 1,000 blogs to create the BIGLIST and recently reviewed the top UK Online Marketing Blogs as well.
Here are a few key characteristics I’ve found that represent a highly productive blog in terms of branding, community, SEO, PR, recruiting and taking mindshare away from the competition:
1. URL – Pick something short and easy to remember. blog. domainname. com works great, so does domainname. com/blog or even, companynamblog. com. Try to avoid obscure or long URLs like www. domainname. com/files/about/blog? home or worse, companyname. blogspot. com. If you’re a business, then act professionally and use a domain name you control for your blog URL.
2. Blog name – If your blog has a unique name like “GM Fastlane” then it should be prominent with a logo and that logo should link to the home page of the blog. If your blog is just named “Company Name Blog” that’s fine, but offer a “home” to go to. Tag lines to go along with the blog name are useful for readers so they understand what your blog is about. Taglines are also useful for SEO.
3. Design – When a blog works as a direct extension of your brand, then the style guide elements of your brand should carry over to the blog design. However, it shouldn’t be so close as to confuse the reader whether they’re on the company website or the company blog. If the blog serves another purpose, then it’s fine to have a unique style with subtle brand references.
An entire book could be written about user experience and design of a blog, but here are a few key points:
Stand out – there are millions

of blogs out there and competing social channels like Twitter and Facebook. You’d better stand out or be forgotten.
Add style – make an effort to convey the personality and style of your company
Easy to read – headlines should be much larger than the body copy of posts. Blog author, date published and other elements like comment count are useful for readers to connect with post authors and know they’re reading fresh content. We remove the dates after a year or so.
Header – most blogs express their creativity with header graphics or images. If you can’t have a unique logo for your blog, then have a unique header
4. Navigation – I can’t say enough about the need to make it easy to find content on a blog. Useful navigation elements include: Categories, Tags or Tag Cloud, Search Box, Popular Posts, Recent Posts, Most Commented Posts. You don’t need all of these, but most of them are quite useful.
5. Content – create an editorial plan for the blog that supports the customer personas you’re trying to engage and that represents the keywords/topics you want to be known for. After 7 years of blogging, I like to have certain days each week planned out with specific topics and other days as wildcards. Ex: Social Mondays, Tactical Tips on Tuesdays, Thursday Rants and Friday News Roundup. Pay attention to web analytics, off-site citations, comments and social chatter to gauge whether your content resonates or not. Paying attention will also uncover new topics to cover that your readers are interested in. A simple query on your search engine referrer keywords with a filter of “how to” can reveal many topics for tactical posts.

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7 key elements to a successful business blog