29 statistics reveal how the apple ipad is changing our lives

Media consumption whether that be books, magazines and video are all in a state of rapid change as mobile devices such as the iPad push industries to the edge that have been in existence for over a hundred years (like the publishing industry).

The volume of the mantra “change or die” has never been so loud.
The “now” generation wants their news, entertainment, information and access to online stores instantly whether that is on the bus, bedroom or even on the beach.

I just bought a Kindle and one of the reasons is that when I hear about a book.. I want it now!

Global warming is threatening the long term existence of polluting courier planes, trains and automobiles, so a book delivered in seconds from the other side of the world to feed my educational and reading passion is rather an attractive ecological proposition.. now the challenge will be to find the time to read it!!

A recent survey by seven. co. uk announces some rather rather revealing stats on how the iPad.. which is the fastest selling technology hardware device in history with 15 million sold in 11 months, is impacting our media consumption habits both online and offline. The iPad buyers are not exclusively early adopters as is often assumed, as 63% describe themselves as people who normally wait for a gadget to become established before they buy it.

So what are the iPad statistics that you should take notice of?

IPad’s Time Usage

This has implications on how publishers should be developing content so it is optimized for the appropriate device

Use of desktop computers is down for 35% iPad owners since they bought the device
Use of laptops is also down since they bought an iPad at 39%
87% of owners are using it every day of the week
26% for half an hour to an hour per day
32% for 1-2 hours per day
24% for more than 2 hours a day.
Where do they use it?

Its versatility

makes it a flexible and ubiquitous device with

69% of respondents using it in the bedroom
42% in the kitchen
20% of men can’t be parted from it in the bathroom
The last statistic certainly show that men’s habits for reading in the small room have not changed just the device!

What do they use the Apple iPad for?

Accessing the web – 75%
Emailing -63%
53% of iPad owners say they use their device mainly for entertainment
Playing games – 48%
Social networking – 41%
Researching products and services – 29%
Reading books – 25%
Listening to music – 21%
Shopping – 19%
Reading magazines – 13%
For work – 13%
Watching TV – 11%
What is interesting to note is that 51% who have read magazines in print and in interactive format on the iPad say they prefer it on the iPad, vs 23% who prefer a magazine in print.

The Stats on Apps on the iPad

The apps market that started with the Apple iphone has not diminished but has continued to grow into the iPad market place. Content is the key driver in app purchases. The survey shows that this is more important to consumers than the price of the app when making a purchase decision.

16% have bought a branded app from a company
84% of respondents would be very interested in an app from one of their favourite brands, if it was free and non-subscription.
Free apps are almost twice as popular among iPad consumers as paid-for (the average iPad has 18 free apps on it and 10 paid-for)
Buying an app is most strongly influenced by the app’s perceived usefulness at 64% of owners
Content is very important when buying the app at 47%
Price comes third at 44% when considering buying

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29 statistics reveal how the apple ipad is changing our lives