25 fun things to do with a woman

Hershey’s syrup, whipped cream, and a Catwoman mask. Yes, yes, we were thinking the same thing: Nothing beats a woman who purrs. But what if you’re still trying to get to the next level of your relationship? Well, that’s where the fun comes in.

“Ultimately, fun is the best aphrodisiac,” says Paul Joannides, author of The Guide to Getting It On! “Quit looking for sexy and look for fun instead – and you’ll end up having more sex.” We like the way this guy thinks. That’s why we brainstormed these adventures (with some help from experts and our female friends).

Take Her to a Ball Game
Doesn’t matter if it’s major-league, minor-league, or even high-school ball. “I often recommend that my couples go to a baseball game,” says Howard Markman, Ph. D., coauthor of 12 Hours to a Great Marriage and a psychologist at the University of Denver. “You sit close together, you’re out in the sun, and it gives you time to talk as friends.”

Of course, under no circumstances should you go out and buy Tigers tickets! So, in the interest of our Detroit-based readership, there are 24 more things on our list you’re sure to enjoy together.

Climb a Volcano
Add some hot to your relationship. Molten-volcano hot. There’s something about remote, dangerous places that sets the scene for romance. And few places are as remote or dangerous as the mouth of a live volcano.

One of the best is in Villarrica, in south-central Chile. Expect an arduous guided climb of 8 hours, but at the end, your passions will be inflamed by the sight of all that hot, gooey lava. Then ski back down.

And for a closer-to-home location, visit Mount Capulin, an inactive volcano in New Mexico, where you can actually climb inside the cone.

Go to Beverly Hills
And go big. A weekend spent glittering beside the glitterati at Raffles L’Ermitage in Beverly

Hills doesn’t come cheap – it’s an “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it” deal – but there’s just no substitute.

If you can separate yourself from your bed (with sheets spun by virgin Egyptian silk moths fed truffles, champagne, and manna), you can check out L’Ermitage’s sumptuous amenities: The spa, salon, and pool are beyond compare, and the menu at Jaan, the hotel’s humble restaurant, is highlighted by a $45 salad. Ouch. Yum!

Take Her Shopping
. . . but you pick the clothes.

Men don’t hate shopping because of the money. It’s the sitting on the boyfriend couch at Ann Taylor that we don’t like. But what guy wouldn’t be enthused about a mall trip if he knew that every 2 minutes a beautiful woman would pop by to model a sexy outfit he’d selected? If you agree to buy, she’ll agree to model.

Get Naked
Pour peppermint schnapps in her belly button. Sip it. Then kiss her breasts and blow on the spots you kissed. The peppermint schnapps and air will cause a cool sensation and heighten arousal, says Ava Cadell, Ph. D., a Los Angeles sex therapist.

And do some shopping at adult-toy online sites, and at the grocery store. There’s a whole world of flavors and textures out there to play with. Once you get past the headlong plunge to sex, you’ll ask yourself what the hurry was, anyway. Delayed pleasures remain the most gratifying ones, especially where her body is concerned.

Drive the Pacific Coast Highway
This drive – arguably the most spectacular in the country – offers stunning scenery, plenty of things to explore, and stop-offs at major destinations like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Yosemite, and San Diego.

The PCH is a combination of U. S. 101 and California Route 1.

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25 fun things to do with a woman