25 e-learning & education start-ups that could change the world

One of the ways technology is changing the world is do with the way we learn. Online universities provide opportunities for learning from the comfort of your home. Indeed, so many people are interested in learning online, that there are a number of schools and businesses designed to cater to distance learners. An online degree can help you earn a little more money, and it can also help you find knowledge that you did not have before. Whether you are looking for a free education online, or whether you are looking for the tools to help you succeed in an e-learning environment, here are 25 start-ups that just might change the world of education:

GlobalScholar: This start-up is focused on creating a global learning system. The idea is to change education so that it is more dynamic and fluid. Not only does it involve a virtual classroom and distance interactions, but it also provides a system for creating an integrated curriculum, and even includes helpful professional development courses to keep teachers up to date. Originally InfiLearn, GlobalScholar is the brainchild of former Amazon. com executive Kal Raman.
2tor, Inc.: John Katzman, the founder of the Princeton Review, offers 2tor, Inc., a start-up that is meant to revolutionize education with the help of social media. Fast Company reports that 2tor created a platform similar to Facebook to help with the Master of Arts in Teaching at the University of Southern California. It makes it easy for students to interact with each other and instructors.
Sums Online: Want to make math fun? The U. K. start-up Sums Online provides a wide range of math activities that are flash based, according to TechCrunch Europe. Those who are learning at home can use Sums Online products, just as those in more traditional school settings can. It’s a great way to learn math, and this start-up also won an accessibility award from Nasen.
DreamBox Learning: Help kids get excited for math with help from DreamBox

Learning, an education start-up that provides math games for kids. This is interactive learning at its finest, with online math games that help children learn to solve problems while experiencing adventures. DreamBox was recently acquired by Netflix founder Reed Hastings.
Grockit: The tagline for this educational start-up is “get addicted to studying.” It’s not hard to see why Fast Company named this a start-up to watch. Grockit is one of the leaders in personalized learning. Social media style learning and test preparation starts out by assessing the student’s skill level. This allows Grockit to tailor learning for the student to help him or her improve test scores while having fun.
School of Everything: TechCrunch Europe recognizes this school due to its interesting way of connecting students with teachers – directly. If there is something you want to learn, you can go to this site, and learn it from those who teach it. You can also use the site to find offline classes and teachers in your area. A great way to learn whatever it is you want to learn, from math to martial arts.
FoneFonics: Learn from anywhere with a specialized phone. FoneFonics is behind the mLearning program, which offers students an opportunity to learn via mobile phone. TechCrunch Europe was impressed with this educational start-up, and the mLearning phone from FoneFonics is in beta testing right now with Summer Arts Colleges, with a Poetry learning program.
LearnOutLoud: Based in Santa Monica, California, LearnOutLoud focus on podcasts, audiobooks, downloads and video.

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25 e-learning & education start-ups that could change the world