11 inspirational quotes that will supercharge your day by henri junttila

We all need a pick me up from time to time. And what would be better than some of the most inspirational quotes on this beautiful blue planet of ours? There’s something about inspirational and wise quotes that gets your mind churning and thinking about the positive instead of the negative.

I’ve collected 11 highly inspirational quotes below that will supercharge your day with positivity if you spend some time contemplating each and how each quote relates to your life.

Even though we all live completely unique lives, there still something about quotes that speak to all of us.

With all that said let’s dive right in, shall we?

1. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

We will always be afraid of doing new things and having new experiences, but it isn’t until we do what we most fear that we truly come alive. Look back into your life when you faced and overcame your fears and did something you were scared of.

It felt amazing, didn’t it?

2. “If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent van Gogh

Never let yourself or anyone else say that you cannot do something. You alone determine the limitations that you set upon yourself.

If you want to do something, just do it. Get rid of negative friends and destroy your inner critic that tells you that you cannot do something. You are a genius, you can do anything you want to do.

3. “Fall seven times, stand up eight!” – Japanese Proverb

Life is about failing and learning from your mistakes. If you want a truly happy and successful life, you have to be willing to stand up

and never give up. Truly successful people are positive and they know that each failure gets them closer to their goals.

Failures are nothing but mere stepping stones to success.

4. “To change one’s life; Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. No exceptions.” – William James

Never put off what you can do today. If you want a fulfilling and passionate life, start moving toward it, even if it means beginning by writing down what you want.

Most people put off their goals because they can’t see how they could reach them. What matters is not how you are going to get there, but that you’re moving in the right direction every single day.

5. “Life is either daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

Take life by the horns, conquer your fears and live your life as a daring adventure. If you settle down and think mediocrity is good enough, you will soon regret your decision.

Think about what you want to accomplish and go after it. Make the choice that you will not give up before you have it. You can make your wildest dreams come true, if you’ll just have the courage to go after them.

6. “Realize that true happiness lies within you.” – Lucian

It is not the stuff that we have but what goes on inside that makes us truly happy. If you want to feel happy inside, start working on yourself.

Begin listening to personal development audio courses. Read books. Attend seminars. Do whatever it takes to increase the happiness you feel inside.

You cannot control anything outside of yourself, so you might as well start with what you can control, which are the thoughts you think.


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11 inspirational quotes that will supercharge your day by henri junttila