101 things to do before you die

101 Things To Do Before You Die
“Every man dies – Not every man really lives.” ~ William Ross
“The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” ~ Author Unknown
A few days ago, I was surfing online when I came across someone’s
Bucket list. It quickly inspired me to create my own bucket list as well
And write an article at the same time.
What’s a Bucket List?
If you haven’t heard about the bucket list, it is a list of all the goals you
Want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfill and life-experiences you
Desire to experience before you die.
Why Create a Bucket List?
Why have a bucket list? If you don’t live your days by personal goals and plans, chances are you spend most of your time caught up in a flurry of dayto-day activities. Ever feel your days are passing by without any tangible output to speak of? What were your accomplishments in the past 3 months?
What are your upcoming goals for the next 3 months? Look at the things you did and the things you’re planning to do next – Do they mean anything to
The Personal Excellence Blog – CelestineChua. com 3
Image ©you if you are to die today? Having a bucket list reminds you of what’s really important so you can act on them.
Even if you frequently live by goals or to-do lists, they are probably framed within a certain social context e. g., performance, career, health. A bucket list
Opens up the context. It’s a forum to set anything and everything you’ve ever wanted to do, whether it’s big, small or random.
It’s just like planning ahead all the highlights you want for YOUR whole life. Even though goal setting is already my staple activity, I still found many
New things to do while I was writing on my bucket list. It was an incredibly insightful exercise. What’s more, coming up with the list it gave

me a whole
New layer of enthusiasm knowing what’s in store ahead!
The objective of creating a bucket list isn’t to instill some kind of a race against time or to create aversion towards death. I don’t see our existence to be
Limited to just our physical years on earth – I don’t see our existence to be limited to just our physical years on earth – our physical lifespan is but a short
Speck of our existence in the universe. The whole point of a bucket list is to maximize every moment of our existence and live our life to the fullest. It’s a
Reminder of all the things we want to achieve in our time here, so that instead of pandering our time in pointless activities, we are directing it fully toward
What matters to us.
Create Your Bucket List
If you don’t have a bucket list, I highly recommend you to create one. How much
Does it cost? Probably 30 minutes to an hour, or more if you get really caught up
In the writing :). What do you gain? Significant clarity and focus on what you
Want from your life. It’s an invaluable exchange.
If you have already written your bucket list before, take this opportunity to review
It. See if there are new items you want to add-on. If so, add them in. Check if all
The items listed are still relevant. If not, remove them.
If you are curious, you can check out my bucket list before you start off
The Personal Excellence Blog – CelestineChua. com 4Now, take out your pen and paper or open up a text editing document. You can check out the following sites where people publicly share their bucket
Lists: 43 Things and Barefoot List.
Start writing down what comes to mind as you read these questions:
– What if you were to die tomorrow? What would you wish you could do before you die?

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101 things to do before you die