10 things guys wish girls knew – shocking

It’s fun to talk about boys. Boys with gorgeous eyes, groovy hair, cute smiles and ripped stomach muscles, Aww, yeah! But what do they say when they talk about you?
In hopes of helping girls better understand the PS2 gender – without reverting to that tired, old “inside a guy’s mind” cliche – we surveyed 150 guys about a way worthy topic: you! What do guys wish you knew? We asked dozens of boys, from the oh-so sweet geeks to the campus gods, what exactly do they want you to be down with when it comes to boy-girl relations. The next few pages are full of surprising stuff most of the dudes in our survey agree on and want to share with you.
1 Calling you on the phone does not mean what you think it means.
“Please, tell me why a girl thinks calling her equals I want her to be my girlfriend,” says Mikey. Blunt, but we like blunt. Mikey is in the majority when it comes to romancing the phone. Nearly every guy we talked to says he feels tons of pressure from girls when it comes to the telephone. “It’s like calling a girl means I’m admitting I like her, but that’s not what’s up,” explains Mikey. “It’s more like I’m calling because I might like her. I hate calling because the next day the girl acts like she owns me. Or, if she’s shy, suddenly she can barely talk to me because she’s scared. It’s stupid.”
Knowledge is power You know you’re hung up on the phone if, when a guy calls, you think you have some kind of romantic upper hand. “I’m just calling because you’re cute or nice or whatever,” says Jordan. “If you treat me like I’m a dog just because I think you’re cool enough to dial up, then you’re a b-word.” In other words, for a guy, it’s just a phone call, not a confession of undying love. Hel-lo?
2 You are much prettier without all that makeup.

from our survey, boys can’t stand makeup. In fact, it seems they can’t complain about it enough. Sure, they all like pretty girls, but they also have a problem with a face that looks full-on painted. And what looks painted to a guy is far less than what you might think.
“Why do girls think they need to have so much crap on their faces?” asks Billy. “Girls at my school wear all this black crap on their eyes, and their lips are, like, thick with brown goop. It’s ugly. Do they really think that will get them a guy?”
Don’t think we didn’t set Billy straight about one thing: Not all girls apply makeup to “get them a guy.” Still, it’s true that lots of girls get all dolled up so they’ll be attractive to the opposite sex. But the makeup thing… It’s more fun than anything. Right, girls?
Knowledge is power The hated for cosmetics is no joke. One dude even tided his survey “Rodeo Clowns.” Could natural-looking makeup be the best date makeup? If being hot to guys is your goal, remember that. Otherwise, it’s your choice if you want to apply enough purple mascara to impair your vision. Go for it.
3 When you act spazzy and giggly, ifs seriously embarrassing.
“What is up with girls hopping up and down when they’re happy about something?” asks Pete. “A girl definitely invented the word ‘yay!’ because no guy I know has ever used it.” Are you guilty of doing the Gily Woo-hoo! dance? It’s a combo of baby claps and bobbing on your toes while emitting high-pitched squeals of delight. This all in reaction to, say, seeing the slide projector set up upon entering French class.
What’s the big deal? “I really do want to know why are girls so excited about normal stuff,” says Pete. “Every other thing, it’s like, ‘Ohmigosh! No way!”‘

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10 things guys wish girls knew – shocking