10 reasons why people initially suck at programming

Initially everyone sucks at programming. So we decided to compile a list that identifies reasons and advice to improve your programming skills.

1. Is programming right for everyone?

Let’s get this straight. Programming is not for everyone. Programming is for those who have a passion for solving hard problems to make everyday life a lot better.
For example check this 16-yo Kid Makes a Million Dollars Following His Hero Steve Jobs. The only reason he is so successful is because he had a passion for what he was doing.
So if you find yourself lacking some motivation, maybe thats why you aren’t that great. Go find it and last time I checked, money pushes so many people forward.

2. It’s a skill that takes time to master.

Like anything else, programming is an art in itself. Yes, you’ll have trouble initially but if you stick with it, you’ll develop the skills necessary to become an avid programmer.
Many will be intimidated by the nerds, naturals, prodigy childs, or even how hard programming is. Just fear not, put them aside and focus what really matters, your skills. I didn’t know much about programming when I started in my CS career in college, and before I knew it, I became an Amazon Code Ninja (Arizona).

3. They have the wrong attitude.

I’ve seen this way too many times where people start blaming the professor who can’t teach, the TA, the crappy compiler, the IDE, or even the OS. As long as you keep complaining, your programming is going to be just as bad. So get a positive attitude!
Did you know Roller Coaster Tycoon was written almost entirely in assembly? Yeah go figure. If there is a will, there is a way.

4. I just don’t understand these abstract concepts.

Programming requires you to think outside the box. When you are a beginner, you’ll come across algorithms, data structures, conventions, and an entire myriad of other things

that will mess with your mind.
Take it slow, and just start learning everything one step at at time. If you don’t understand Wikipedia it, Google It, or ask someone who knows (That by the way, is my secret recipe for learning something new). Try out examples until you fully understand it.
If you don’t understand the basics, how do you think you are going to understand the advanced topics?

5. Wait, we can use Google?

When you have trouble debugging your code or can’t figure out how to do something, Google is your best friend. I don’t encourage it for plagiarizing code, I’m encouraging it because thousands of other people have probably had your same exact question. And guess what? Others help them to figure out their problem and provide a solution.
Just do it. Everyone does because its the smartest thing to do.
So if you forget about to make a random number, don’t understand a bug, or simply can’t figure something out, Google it!

6. Careful planning and design? Just code while you go!

Before I help anyone with their code, I ask to see their algorithm. If they can’t provide it, I tell them to develop one and nearly all the time they’ll figure out why their program didn’t work.

An algorithms is the framework, and basis, of a program. Many beginners don’t develop one, and write as it goes. When that happens, they lose track of their direction in solving the problem and it becomes difficult debugging. – Benjamin

So next time, save yourself some time and jot your plan of attack on a piece of paper. Start programming until you know how to solve your problem. I do it, and it works amazingly.

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10 reasons why people initially suck at programming